I came to New York to be a fine artist – that was my ambition. David Byrne

We had a calling.

After attending many meetups and events, we realized that something was missing; North America’s largest city did not have a festival to celebrate it’s talented web creators.
“Nonsense!” we cried. Something had to change, and fast.

Our philosophy:

Life is hard.

You came up with a fantastic show concept and nobody in the biz would take your call, let alone hear your pitch.
Did you give up? No! You persevered and showcased your talent on the World Wide Web.
Congratulations, you are on the forefront of a growing industry.

Seriously though.

Being producers ourselves, we understand the blood sweat and tears that go into making your art. We appreciate you.
That’s why we’re giving you an opportunity to shine in the city that never sleeps!

Join us won’t you?

Why not enter your masterpiece in the NYC Web Fest and schmooze with fellow creators and industry insiders alike?
Laugh. Cry. Pat each other on the back.
Most importantly, be proud. (Hey, it’s New York.)