“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” – Margaret Drabble

According to the website angelnumber.org, the number 8 symbolizes abundance, prosperity, and a “balance between your spiritual and material life.”  As we celebrate our 8th year at NYC Web Fest, I’ve been thinking about balance a lot.

In 2014, when I embarked on creating New York’s first film festival showcasing web series, I had no money.  I remember thinking, ‘how hard can launching a business with no experience be?’  Needless to say, I’ve spent the better part of decade learning some tough lessons, and working myself to exhaustion.  

It took the forced stillness of 2020 to take stock and look at my business and life.  One thing I discovered was that I really do enjoy being the founder and director of this festival.  It was an easy thing to forget with all the hustle & bustle of constant figuring it out.

Our move to an online fest last year came when there was a massive renovation happening in my living space, and I had to learn a million new things with spotty WiFi.  Even though I couldn’t see my team or the filmmakers in person like the ‘good ‘ol days’ the energy and appreciation I got back was infectious.

Speaking of teamwork & dreamwork – at this time I’d like to welcome back our Program Director Lindsay Pugh, Social Media Director Robert Watson, and MelimeL our amazing web-designer.  New this year is my nephew Justin Atkins, who assisted me in 2020 during our virtual festival and will come on as Program Consultant for 2021.  

Finding the right mix of people to create with, is as essential to running a business as it is to making a movie.  I am truly blessed.  

Having this festival has kept me going amidst all the unknowns of the past year – that’s why I’m thrilled to be back to our regular scheduled programming!  Once again we have a full 3 month submission period, AND a plan to connect in person this November.  While we’re still unsure of exactly what the gathering will look like, I can guarantee it will be collaborative, informative, and most importantly, FUN!     

Like 2020 jury member Julie Halston said in her fireside chat with fellow juror Kirsta Hovsepain, “Artists will pave the way…artists save the world.”  Let’s hold on to those wise words (and each other) as we move forward and keep creating.  The possibilities are endless.

Welcome to the 8th Annual NYC Web Fest, it sure feels good to be back!

Love to all, 

Lauren Atkins

Founder, NYC Web Fest